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5 Ways To Track Your Competitors' ASO


App Store Optimisation (ASO) is a critical component for organisations seeking success in the competitive landscape of mobile applications. ASO involves optimising various elements of an app store listing to enhance its visibility and attract more downloads. It is essential for organisations because it directly impacts the app’s discoverability, user acquisition, and overall performance.

Effective ASO involves optimising keywords, app titles, descriptions, and visual elements like icons and screenshots. By fine-tuning these elements, organisations can increase their app’s visibility in app store search results, leading to higher organic downloads. In a market saturated with millions of apps, ASO is a crucial driver for standing out and reaching the target audience.

ASO is crucial for app visibility

Moreover, tracking competitors’ ASO strategies is crucial for staying competitive. Analysing competitor app listings helps organisations understand market trends, user preferences, and emerging keywords. Organisations can make informed decisions to improve their app’s performance and maintain a competitive edge by staying informed about competitors’ ASO efforts.

Keyword Spy

In the intricate ecosystem of App Store Optimization (ASO), the first and foremost strategy entails meticulously exploring competitors’ keyword strategies—a process commonly referred to as “Keyword Spy.” Keywords stand as the lifeblood of ASO, serving as the connective tissue between an app and its potential users. A whopping 94.74% of keywords receive ten or fewer searches per month.

Monitoring how competitors leverage these keywords offers a crucial glimpse into the terms propelling their visibility and success. Organisations must harness specialised tools designed to undertake effective Keyword Spy. These tools act as silent observers, allowing you to analyse the high-performing keywords competitors strategically target clandestinely. This clandestine observation reveals the keywords they prioritise and unveils the nuances of their ASO approach.

Assessing the relevance and performance of these competitor-targeted keywords is pivotal in refining your ASO strategy. You gain insights that transcend generic market trends by deciphering which keywords yield optimal visibility and engagement for competitors. This nuanced understanding empowers you to adapt quickly to changes in the keyword landscape, ensuring your app remains finely tuned for maximum discoverability.

Monitor keywords for agile ASO

Regular monitoring of the keyword landscape positions you at the forefront of industry shifts, providing the agility to refine your ASO strategy in real time. By embracing the art of Keyword Spy, organisations unlock a strategic edge that transcends mere visibility—it’s the gateway to sustained relevance and success in the competitive digital marketplace.

App Performance Metrics

In the dynamic landscape of mobile applications, a profound understanding of competitors’ success is derived through the systematic analysis of App Performance Metrics—a strategic imperative for organisations striving to excel in the digital marketplace. This second key strategy unveils a comprehensive view of competitors’ triumphs and pitfalls, laying the foundation for informed decision-making and continuous improvement.

Delving into App Performance Metrics involves meticulous tracking of key indicators such as download numbers, user engagement, and retention rates. These metrics are the pulse of an app’s success, reflecting its resonance with its user base. Understanding competitors’ user base and behaviour becomes a valuable compass, guiding and enhancing your app’s user experience.

Leveraging advanced app analytics tools is instrumental in this process. These tools act as beacons, illuminating trends within competitors’ performance metrics. By decoding these trends, organisations gain profound insights into the features that contribute to success and the areas that demand refinement. This analytical prowess becomes a roadmap for innovation, ensuring your app aligns seamlessly with evolving user expectations.

Maintaining a vigilant watch on performance metrics is akin to a perpetual benchmarking exercise. It allows you to measure your app’s performance against competitors, identifying areas of strength and uncovering growth opportunities. Informed adjustments based on these insights become the linchpin of a dynamic strategy, propelling your app not just to visibility but to a position of prominence in the highly competitive app ecosystem.

User Reviews and Feedback

More than 99.9% of online shoppers actively read reviews, and 96% specifically seek out negative reviews. Therefore, in the intricate tapestry of app development, user reviews and feedback form a vital thread organisations cannot afford to overlook. The third crucial strategy in monitoring competitors’ App Store Optimisation (ASO) involves delving into these reviews and comments, which offer invaluable glimpses into the user experience of rival apps.

Scrutinising user reviews a wealth of qualitative data, allowing you to identify recurring patterns such as joint pain points, prevalent feature requests, and noteworthy positive aspects. This detailed analysis provides a window into user satisfaction, providing nuanced insights beyond quantitative metrics. By discerning where competitors excel and where they fall short, you gain a strategic advantage in shaping your own app’s user experience.

The qualitative data extracted from user reviews serves as a compass for pinpointing areas of improvement or innovation. Addressing concerns users raise in competing apps becomes a roadmap for enhancing your offering. Moreover, identifying features that receive praise enables you to incorporate these elements, ensuring your app matches strategically and surpasses user expectations.

This proactive approach extends beyond internal refinement—it positions your app as a compelling alternative for dissatisfied users of competing apps. By systematically addressing user concerns and integrating praised features, you create a user-centric experience that has the potential to attract a discerning audience actively seeking superior alternatives.

App Updates and Feature Changes

In the dynamic realm of mobile applications, staying at the forefront requires a keen awareness of the ever-shifting landscape. The fourth essential strategy in tracking competitors’ App Store Optimisation (ASO) involves meticulously examining their app updates and feature changes. Apps that continuously adapt to user needs and industry trends often emerge as leaders, making this aspect of competitive analysis integral to sustained success.

Regularly monitoring your competitors’ app updates provides a valuable roadmap for innovation. It involves keeping a watchful eye on introducing new features, design enhancements, and overall improvements. Doing so gives you crucial insights into how competing apps are evolving. It informs your app development strategy and positions your offering as a dynamic player in the market.

To delve deeper into the impact of these changes, it’s imperative to analyse user reactions through reviews and social media. Users often express their sentiments and expectations, offering a qualitative perspective on the effectiveness of the implemented updates. By understanding the pulse of user feedback, you can identify aspects that resonate positively and address concerns swiftly, ensuring that your app aligns with user expectations.

Furthermore, scrutinising the evolution of competing apps enables you to identify emerging trends and anticipate user expectations. With this foresight, you can strategically position your app for continued success. Whether it involves incorporating cutting-edge features or addressing gaps left unattended by competitors, this proactive approach ensures that your app remains relevant and a frontrunner in the dynamic landscape of mobile applications.

Price and Monetisation Strategy Analysis

In the fiercely competitive world of mobile applications, pricing and monetisation strategies stand as a pivotal battleground. A strategic analysis of how your competitors approach pricing, in-app purchases, and subscriptions is not just insightful but indispensable. Scrutinising their tactics allows you to gauge user perceptions of value, a critical factor in your pricing strategy.

Understanding the monetisation landscape goes beyond mere observation; it equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions that resonate with your target audience. For instance, in Q3 2023, the average consumer spending on mobile apps per smartphone increased by four per cent to approximately $5.05, compared to the Q3 2022 global average of $4.86. By delving into competitors’ pricing models, you gain a comprehensive understanding of market trends and user expectations, enabling you to position your app competitively. 

Moreover, the watchful eye extended to your competitors’ promotions, discounts, and limited-time offers becomes a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. You can strategically align your promotional initiatives by staying attuned to their dynamic pricing manoeuvres. It helps you remain competitive in the pricing game and provides insights into consumer behaviour, allowing you to tailor your offerings for maximum impact.

Analysing price and monetisation strategies in the app market is a multifaceted endeavour. It’s about decoding the delicate balance between perceived value and cost, adapting to market dynamics, and leveraging competitors’ promotional tactics for strategic advantage. This comprehensive understanding empowers your organisation to successfully navigate the intricacies of pricing in the app market, ensuring your app competes and thrives in the ever-evolving landscape.


In conclusion, excelling in the competitive realm of mobile applications requires a strategic dual focus – you must optimise your app for maximum visibility and user engagement and proactively stay abreast of your competitors’ ASO endeavours. The significance of App Store Optimization extends beyond the confines of individual apps; it encapsulates a continuous process of vigilance and adaptation.

You embark on a journey of invaluable insights by integrating the top five methods for tracking competitors’ ASOs. Each facet contributes to a comprehensive competitive intelligence strategy, from deciphering keyword tactics and scrutinising performance metrics to understanding user sentiments through reviews and anticipating industry trends via updates.

This proactive approach enables you to refine your ASO strategy, aligning it with emerging market demands and user expectations. As the app landscape evolves, those armed with a keen understanding of their competitors’ manoeuvres are better equipped to survive and thrive. In the dynamic app market, staying one step ahead is not just a tactic; it becomes the essence of sustained success, ensuring your app remains a frontrunner in the ever-changing digital landscape.


Q.  Why is ASO important for app success?

A. ASO enhances an app’s visibility, increases organic downloads, and improves overall performance, making it crucial for success in the competitive app market.

Q. How often should I track my competitors’ ASO?

A. Regular monitoring is essential. Aim for a monthly review, but adjust the frequency based on industry dynamics and competitor activity.

Q. Can I change my app’s keywords frequently?

A. While it’s possible, frequent changes may disrupt your app’s stability in search results. Opt for strategic adjustments based on thorough keyword research.

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