But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

Given the constant consumer demand for a personalised experience available when and where they want it, businesses have ventured into omnichannel retail. An omnichannel campaign tends to increase sales by 494%. Unsurprisingly, businesses are reaching out to their customers on various platforms, whether the good old emails and messages or the next-gen social media platforms, websites and mobile applications. However, with so many platforms out there, devising a suitable digital strategy is more challenging than ever.

While devising a perfect digital strategy, it is crucial to understand the different platforms have different goals for both the business and the consumers. A strategy which works for your social media platforms will not work for your website; similarly, a strategy for your website will not be pertinent for your dedicated mobile application. Each strategy must be well-curated for the platform, the target audience, and the desired result. Simultaneously, it is also to be borne in mind that the individual strategy should match the organisational mission and not deviate from the overall goal of the business.

Therefore it is essential to devise a strategy which not only focuses on the individual platform but also the overall digital presence of the business. One such strategy is App Store Optimisation or ASO. ASO works to boost organic traffic on mobile applications by increasing the number of downloads of the application along with a higher engagement rate and increased conversion by focusing on keywords and big data to get crucial information on customer behaviour.

How does ASO work? How will it boost organic traffic for your mobile applications? What is the need for sperate ASO policy outside of marketing policy? Lets dive in and find out.

An App Store

What Is App Store Optimisation?

Mobile applications are the preferred mode of communication for the younger generation. The convenience of having all the options compiled in a neat and easy-to-navigate platform is more appealing than visiting brick-and-mortar stores or even browsing through heavy websites on their laptops. However, a user-friendly interface and well-categorised segments to ease the consumer experience are not the only elements of a successful mobile application.

App Store Optimisation (ASO) encompasses a strategic pursuit beyond enhancing user experience. It strategically amplifies app visibility within search engines like Google Play and Apple App Store, employing various tactics to refine app rankings and magnify visibility. This orchestration directly impacts download rates and conversions, portraying success in the digital canvas. For instance, when ASO was actively employed, the app store page view to installation conversion rate was 33.7%.

ASO stretches beyond supplemental objectives, elevating brand exposure, nurturing positive app reviews, fostering heightened user engagement, and branching into diversified marketing channels. ASO isn’t merely a tool; it’s a holistic strategy. By embracing ASO, businesses craft a fortified digital presence for their app, ensuring its robust existence in a fiercely competitive landscape.


While the end goal of both SEO and ASO is the same, both have some fundamental differences. First and foremost, both strategies focus on increasing organic traffic; search engine optimisation focuses on the organic traffic of the website of businesses, while app store optimisation does the same for the mobile application of the business. It means SEO is engaged with a company’s website and focuses on promoting it on online search engines and endeavours to rank high in organic results; ASO focuses on the application of the businesses and its ranking and visibility on the app store.

Another key difference between SEO and ASO is how they engage and use keywords. Keywords are the target phrases that help businesses rank high in organic searches. So while SEO strategies engage keywords in content, long and short form, ASO uses the keywords in the metadata of the app for the best result. In contrast, the metadata depends upon the app store you are targeting. However, the end goal for both is to attract more organic traffic.

Increased Hike in Mobile Application Use

Why Is App Store Optimisation Crucial?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital business, ensuring your mobile application stands out amidst the vast sea of options is paramount. It is where App Store Optimization (ASO) steps in, a digital marketing strategy tailored specifically for mobile applications. ASO isn’t just a fancy term; it’s a powerful tool that directly impacts your app’s success:

• Improved App Ranking:

ASO works wonders by enhancing your app’s visibility within app stores. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords and optimising your app’s metadata, you can elevate its ranking in search results. It ensures that your app is more likely to be discovered when potential users search for services like yours.

• Amplified Brand Exposure:

ASO isn’t merely about attracting downloads; it’s also a branding opportunity. With an effective ASO strategy, your app gains increased exposure, making it a recognisable and trustworthy name in your industry.

• Favourable Reviews and Ratings:

Positive app reviews and high ratings are virtual gold in today’s digital landscape. ASO encourages user engagement and satisfaction, leading to more favourable reviews. Higher ratings attract new users and instil confidence in those considering your app.

• Engagement and Diversification:

ASO fuels audience engagement by tailoring your app’s presentation to cater to your target users. Moreover, it diversifies your marketing channels, showcasing your app across various platforms, and further expanding your reach.

• Enhanced ROI and Conversion Rates:

ASO is also a potent force for increasing your return on investment. By optimising your app’s presentation and ensuring it aligns with user intent, ASO improves conversion rates, transforming curious users into loyal customers.

Increased Return On Investment

How To Use It For App Promotions?

The algorithms of the internet have evolved and cannot be fooled to get higher rankings by mere keyword stuffing and high volumes of data. The systems are more sophisticated now. They keenly observe every element of your digital strategies to evaluate where your channel stands. The shift can be defined as a change in focus on what is relevant. Earlier, the volume of visits on a channel was considered to rate them, but now it is not about how many people visited you but how many were engaged. And along with engagement, retention and conversion of potential clients are crucial for the evaluation.

Now that the myths around the concept have been busted let’s understand how a business can devise an accurate ASO Strategy for their business:

• Focus on the targeted app store.

Currently, the economy has two major app stores, namely Google Play Store, which has around 3.55 million apps and Apple App Store, with over 1.6 million apps available. While Google Play Store is for Android devices, Apple App Store is dedicated to iOS devices. It would be ignorant to rank one above the other, as both have a dedicated customer base and almost equal market share.

While businesses have long adapted two the different features of the two app stores, it is also crucial for marketers to do so. For instance, the metadata for iOS applications on Apple App Store includes the keywords list along with the app’s name and subtitle. At the same time, the same means the application’s name and the short and long description for an Android app on the Google Play Store.

• Extensive keyword research

In the realm of app promotions, thorough keyword research is pivotal. It unveils your potential users’ language, guiding your app’s visibility. Identifying relevant keywords boosts discoverability, attracting engaged users. Understand user intent behind keywords, tailoring your app’s presentation accordingly. Start by brainstorming keywords, refine with keyword planner tools, balancing relevance and competition.

• Deep linking within the applications

Comparable to constructing a seamless bridge within your app, deep linking facilitates effortless user journeys to precise destinations. This tactic elevates user experience by providing direct access to specific pages or functionalities, streamlining navigation and stimulating engagement. By seamlessly embedding deep links in notifications, emails, or posts, you curate a pathway that guides users toward meaningful interactions, catalysing their pursuit of desired actions and nurturing enduring engagement.

• Optimising click-through rate (CTR)

Refining your click-through rate (CTR) emerges as a vital tactic within app promotions. Consider CTR as a digital magnet, measuring how effectively your app beckons users to take that next step. Elevating CTR involves crafting compelling visuals, concise text, and prominent call-to-action buttons. A/B testing and responsive design further boost CTR, transforming passive users into active participants and amplifying engagement and conversion chances.

• Focusing on rating and reviews

Within app promotions, nurturing positive ratings and reviews wields significant influence. These endorsements build credibility and trust, guiding potential users. Encourage genuine feedback to enhance your app’s reputation, impacting its discoverability. Acknowledging reviews, both positive and negative, showcases your commitment. Strive for excellence to garner favourable reviews, ultimately shaping your app’s perception and attracting a broader user base.


As a business owner growing organic traffic on the various touchpoints of your business is crucial to steady the profits and ensure long-term growth. However, generating organic traffic has become a tough grind, especially with the increase in the number of platforms. This is where dedicated digital marketing strategies come in. Marketers have cracked the code for how to run a successful digital marketing campaign for different platforms. For instance, to generate successful campaigns on the web, SEO is approached; similarly, to boost organic traffic for the mobile application, ASO is applied.

ASO enable businesses to attract and retain more customers on their mobile application, eventually converting them into actual sale. Businesses are already highly invested in crafting effective ASO strategies. From using various keywords to deep linking and catching CTAs, markets leave no stone unturned. And as more and more younger generation penetrates the economy, the physical market spaces shrink into 5.8 to 6.2 inches screen, further solidifying the importance of ASO for business.

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