But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


How to Start an Email Marketing Campaign?

How to Start an Email Marketing Campaign? As technology advances, it revolutionises all aspects of the economy, from how businesses operate to how they communicate with their clients. Marketing, the most crucial form of customer communication, has also evolved manifold throughout history. From cold calls to chatbots and AI-powered customer service, businesses have made all […]

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Basic terms used in email marketing (ROI, conversion rate, CLV, CPA)?

Email marketing is an essential part of the digital marketing strategy that involves sending focussed emails to a target group of recipients to promote products, services, offers, or build relationships. It’s a highly effective way to engage with customers, nurture leads, and drive conversions. Email marketing campaigns can include newsletters, promotional emails, transactional emails, and […]

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Your Blueprint to Create the Perfect Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is a focused approach to valuable content creation and logical distribution for visibility and engagement with the target audience. It aims to build trust, establish brand authority, and drive profitable customer actions, such as lead generation, sales, and customer loyalty. Key aspects of content marketing include: Valuable Content: Content marketing involves creating real […]

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How Does Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work?

Promoting their products online. The more clicks, the higher the revenue. An effective way to reach customers. PPC Marketing: A Strategic Approach PPC marketing is the most popular digital marketing format. As a business cannot solely rely on organic or word-of-mouth publicity, it must establish its presence through other means. Companies pay to be visible […]

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The Latest Digital Marketing Trends

In the past couple of decades, digital marketing has transformed traditional marketing and advertisement to an unprecedented level. In fact, marketing for different kinds of organisations and companies has now become synonymous with digital processes. This has become possible widely because of the advantages that digital marketing has over other conventional marketing processes. Digital marketing […]

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How To Run Successful Social Media Campaigns

Technological advancements have left the world in a whirlpool. Digital transformation is at the forefront of metamorphosing how business is being done. Some of the most dominant trends are the shift from brick-and-mortar to online channels use of artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of customer interaction, leveraging big data to make more sound business […]

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The Importance of Long-Tail Keywords

Have you ever wondered why some queries return better search results than others while surfing through a browser? Even if you haven’t given this much thought due to the omnipresence of technology and the ease of scraping the internet, you must’ve been taught to improve your search queries at some point. For people across ages, […]

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